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h I s t o r y

Image by Josh Millgate

Our aim to the community is that 2nd Chanzi Mobile Hub will be that tide that lifts all boats and be the beacon of light for hope, dignity and upliftment. People first, people centred is our motto and the desire to change life's runs through our veins. Join us, get involved and be part of that human journey of being just human.

The boy was asked what you would like to be when you grow up?
the boy answered, "KIND"

The unequal economic disparities in society has created hungry communities, lonely broken people and the rise of preventable diseases. Social services are underfunded, understaffed and falling short. This dire scenario was/is the primary motivation for 2nd Chanzi Mobile Hub Charity to play its part, have an influence and improve livelihoods.


Communities are what makes us human and helping others brings out the humanity in us all, human progress does not stand still but it moves. People first, people centred projects give that advantage with 2nd Chanzi Mobile Hub to make good of their life through holistic lifestyle healthy living choices, provision of healthy foods, provision of educational learning tools and establishing social network for individuals to live life to the fullest.


Help us, help the disadvantaged youths, elderly and fill their hearts with spirit of life, love, and unending dreams. Turn their frowns, strains, pains, be the beacon of light that shines and shines and breathe life to the elderly, frail, disadvantaged and poor. 

H E A L T H Y  A G E I N G

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As life expectancy rises welfare budgets have decreased and have severely cut into the budgets of elderly people and lifestyle changes have negatively impacted on family dynamics. Also, in today’s fast moving digital world the elderly are faced with many unique challenges such as loneliness, reduced communication, physical limitations, mental regression, dependency and many others. The life expectancy for Healthy ageing is critical now as people live longer and both body and soul slows down.

Healthy Ageing

Lifestyle changes has resulted in the break-up of the family structures, meaning less family gathering, less interfamily bonding resulting in the elderly being left alone to suffer in silence, hungry and forgotten living on the doorstep of poverty and misery. This is further worsened by digital exclusion due to the lack of digital skills meaning they are more vulnerable and at risk of isolation and deprived of any human connections.

A sedentary lifestyle brings a deterioration of the mind and body brings with it steadily progressive signs of wasting and characterised by increased confusion, memory loss, apathy, and often early signs of depression. These are cruel diseases that robs the individual and relatives of the person they knew as dependency creeps in as they are incapable of self-care and awareness.

Together with your help through donations both monetary and in kind we can eradicate these life supping diseases and associated mental health issues. Financial hardships and diseases sups appetite as cheap unhealthy processed meals undermines bodily functions and normal self-care. With no foreseeable help 2nd Chanzi Mobile Hub offers a lifeline in alleviating mind and body deficiency and prevent suffering. Please donate to our Active Elder Project (AEP) (see campaigns) and alleviate unnecessary human sufferings.



l I o n s / l I o n e s s e s

Image by bill wegener

The youth are the future, and any nation’s well-being is judged by how they nurture and support their children’s dreams and aspirations. None of us knew how to walk, talk or speak when we come into this world, we were taught. No child can do it alone, as every child’s sense of growth is terrifyingly fragile. Therefore, learning is a must for all, and 2nd Chanzi Mobile Hub’s single-minded approach to the provision of digital virtual learning tools ensures that the youths are equipped with a conducive environment and learning materials to elevate higher. Academic growth is important and plays a critical part of gaining important social skills needed for communication and progression.


Having digital technology access and ability to use it is gold in today's world of internet and virtual digital learning. The availability of these in the home are essential for the exponential growth and development of each young person.


The figures do not make good reading as 1.5 million poor families in London alone have no access or have limited access to these learning tools hence the need to help. Covid 19 lockdowns brought to the fore the glaring extreme inequalities, poverty and social exclusion closing the doors shut for the youths from these vulnerable families to navigate social upward mobility. Unfulfilled needs have quickly been transformed into untold frustrations, shattered dreams, unconscious deficient child deficiency as all hope and positivity is drained out of them.

Help us in rekindling their dreams, life can only improve through changes. change not by chance. Support and donate to our project of One Child, One Laptop, One Router Campaign. Be the spark that shines light that helps to restore dreams and amplify core social life skills and help in moulding a resilient, confident, and responsible young citizen.

Remember every act of your kindness contributes to positive change.

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