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Food Relief Donations


promote food relief



Food is a key ingredient that supports the growth, repair and maintenance of the body tissues and regulating vital processes. A well-balanced diet ensures we stay strong, healthy and we prevent health related illnesses. Also, what we eat directly impacts our health and quality of life. The direct corelation of food and quality of life led the charity to focus on people centred projects and campaigns to tackle the root causes of food poverty and ensure everyone has dignified access to healthy and affordable food. 2nd Chanzi Mobile Hub moto is that if we want to change the world someday, we at least must live long enough to grow, and quality food is essential for that growth.


Approximately 2.4 billon people worldwide experience moderate or severe food insecurity. In the UK in the past five years since 2019 foodbank use has increased by 123% and millions struggle to get enough food to eat causing untold misery. In a world for us all kindness is power, food is a basic need and in a world of inadequate incomes, holes in welfare safety net, increased living costs, rising debt we all need that helping hand especially vulnerable households.

















To alleviate hunger and promote healthy eating as preventative measure against age related ailments.


  • PURCHASES:  Acquire healthy foods from designated supermarkets and food allotments.


  • COLLECTIONS:  Gather surplus foods that would otherwise go to  waste.


  • PREPARATION:  Cook nutritional meals.


  • DELIVERY:  Distribute meals to the community.


  • TARGET GROUPS:  The Vulnerable, Disabled and Underprivileged.


  • ONLINE SERVICES:  Easy to make value meals, chat shows, food  conversations, health conversations.

Healthy Food
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Kindnesses is power FRP relies on donations for operational cost and maintaining food re-distribution efforts.



Help with food collections, sorting and distribution.



Share FRP mission on social media, among friends and within community. Participate in seminars on food waste, food insecurity and importance of healthy eating.



Partner with local businesses, restaurants and supermarkets to donate surplus foods.



Advocate for policies that reduce wastes and healthy living outcomes.



Our activities will focus on addressing food insecurity through various people centred initiatives. Targeting natural, nutritionally rich foods that improve health, advocating of actions that protect against sedentary diseases, strengthening the immune system and the promotion of healthy living lifestyles for maximum benefits.


Donate for Food Relief Programme (FRP)

promote virtual activities

Virtual Activities Fundraise

Promote Elderly Remote Learning Tools & Activities

The shift to digital communication has become the norm. Digital learning spaces were crucial not only during the pandemic, but also beyond as they offer flexibility, interactivity and collaborative opportunities. Many of our elderly lack the necessary digital skills and the devices to facilitate effective and meaningful communication. Recent data points out that 46% cite difficulties related to digital deficiencies, 37% lack the necessary equipment and 18% of those aged 65+ have no internet access. As communication platforms such as Zoom, WhatsApp, Facebook become commonplace the elderly face a digital deficit. Without mental stimulation and human contact, they are vulnerable to conditions like depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and dementia.


Digital Literacy opens doors to communication, services, and entertainment, making it essential for seniors to embrace technology. These activities will combat mental health challenges and promote independence. Empowering our elderly to thrive in the digital age is essential for their overall health and wellbeing.


  • PURCHASES:   Acquire digital learning tools for the elderly.


  • PERSONALISED LEARNING:   Set up one on one technological skills transfer classes for beginners.


  • FACILITATE ONLINE:  Developmental group sessions.


  • PROMOTE: Individual and group talk shops, walking sessions, professional referrals.





Donations for upskilling and mental health mentorships.



In community talk shops and bonding workshops.



Building walks, social nights, and excursions.


Remember life is good when we are happy, but we are happier when others are happy because of teamwork. Please be big hearted and donate to our mentorship people centred projects that stimulate the mind, the body and are great weapons for postponing mental health, sedentary diseases and increase independent behaviours. Donate and let us get the elderly up to speed and digitally savvy.


Promote Active Youth Learning Tools & Activities

Encouraging and planting seeds of growth in children is essential for their development and success. Digital technology and access are essential for young people to grow in every way. It facilitates learning, providing access to educational resources, online courses, and interactive platforms. Digital literacy empowers young learners to acquire knowledge and skills that is invaluable and pivotal as well as essential for young people’s well-being, education, and prospects. 2nd Chanzi Mobile Hub recognises that the digital literacy as a key life skill that enhances communication and social skills by allowing young people to maintain connections with family and friends, even when physically separated.

Digital literacy is integral to personal and professional growth by facilitating communication, enhances people skills, promotes development, and opens many doors to working from home, freelancing, entrepreneurship, smartphone filming, production skills, content creation and many more. Digital literacy helps in shaping and moulding the youths into responsible members of the community and contribute positively to society.


Without access to digital equipment there is no job-relevant skills hence no employable attributes, there is no youth development hence we will be denting any growth, encouraging delinquency, and laying the foundation for negative life outcomes. A world without youth development is no world at all as they are shut away from e-learning resources, shutting doors for positive learning outcomes and limiting their horizons. Get involved share their journey.




Together we can bridge the digital divide and create opportunities for a brighter future. Support the Active Youth Digital Project (AYDP) and be the light that shines for our youths.


  • ESTABLISH: “Digital Ambassadors” online teaching programs.


  • DIGITAL LITERACY WORKSHOPS: “How to navigate the Internet for youth.”


  • COLLECTIONS AND PURCHASES: Unwanted digital equipment.


  • PROVISION OF AFFORDABLE:  Tablets loaded with educational content.


  • ESTABLISH YOUTH CLUBS: Free internet and equipment for use.


  • ESTABLISH WORKSHOPS: Repair and redistribute communication devices.


  • ESTABLISH ONLINE: Digital seminars on job opportunities.






Large or small will turn dreams to reality.



Volunteer, showcase skills, and help others.



Our projects on social platforms promotes life.



In our digital awareness campaigns.


Positive interaction encourages children curiosity, learning and emotional well-being. All children thrive on attention and engagement from adults through active listening, showing interest and participating in their interests, activities, this fosters a sense of connection and validation. Are you engaged?

Image by Microsoft Edge


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